In a world driven by success, many a times the plight of
those who cannot make it gets unnoticed. The worries and hardships of parents
of special kids is one such issue. Too often, they end up moving from one
health center to other and one therapy to the other wasting energy effort and
time. Nishta Integrated neuro development Center located off G Chetty Road in
Chennai comes as a solution to such woes. It is a therapy center for kids with
neuro developmental challenges. What makes the center stand out is that it
offers a host of neuro developmental therapies under one roof and every child
is handled by a team lead by a developmental pediatrician. The primary doctor
referring the child is also involved in the child’s therapy in the center.
The Center was inaugurated on November 20th by renowned
neonatologist Dr.R.Shanmugasundaram and Rev Sr Dr.Philomina Joseph Medical
Superintendent at St. Isabel Hospital.
Nishta Integrated neuro development center also plans to offer “Life skills enhancement Programs” for such children where the kids will be introduced to concepts in social skills through music, drama, dance et al. The idea behind the program is to provide as many opportunities that are available to other kids. The center also offers support groups for parents of special kids.
Pediatricians Dr.Subramanian and Dr.Meenakshi
who are behind the center say thus,” Recognizing that neuro developmental challenges need an
all-round perspective, we plan to engage in a teamed approach to target kids. We offer physiotherapy, occupational therapy,
speech and language therapy, behavioral therapy and neuro psychiatry
counselling as part of our core services. We also plan to offer the choice
of alternative therapies like Ayurveda where time tested treatments like
“Shirodhara, pizhichal “will be offered by trained therapists.”
Nishta Integrated neuro development center also plans to offer “Life skills enhancement Programs” for such children where the kids will be introduced to concepts in social skills through music, drama, dance et al. The idea behind the program is to provide as many opportunities that are available to other kids. The center also offers support groups for parents of special kids.
Nishta Integrated Neuro Developmental Center can be reached
at Basement floor, 1 Sambandam Street, off G N. Chetty Road. T.Nagar,
Chennai-600017. Phone -+91 44 28150737.
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