Saturday 1 April 2017

Positive impact of Yoga based interventions in Autism

Mrs.Nrithya Jagannathan – Senior Consultant
Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram

Interventions that integrate the various tools of yoga can have a significant positive impact on children and adults in the autism spectrum.

 As is already known, at a purely physical and physiological level, yoga contributes to an overall improvement in metabolism, energy, stamina and immunity. Further, early yoga intervention can also contribute to enhancement of gross and fine motor skills, which may be delayed in some children.  Thus, the regular practice of yoga under competent guidance can improve quality of life of autistic children and adults

While children in the autism spectrum are often intelligent and very capable of comprehending and following instructions and even practicing independently, many have difficulties in relating to people and changing environments. The most important aspect of such applied yoga interventions is the development of a bond between the teacher and student. In creating a neutral and non-judgmental environment a good yoga therapist is able to help children with autism cope with social anxiety. Yoga, with its onus on stimulating the parasympathetic nervous response offers a very simple and yet powerful means to help these children manage their anxiety and also function with ease and confidence.

 Another aspect to the efficacy of yoga interventions specifically for autism is the creation and establishment of a routine practice, which is another area that these children may struggle with. Here again, the relationship with the teacher plays a key role.

 Depending on where a child is in the autism spectrum, it is possible to introduce simple chants, technique of breath regulation and also visualization. Some interventions can be applied in a group setting, while other children, especially those on the far end of the spectrum may require individualized attention.

Often a therapist may also integrate tools of yoga with other techniques such as singing, counting, coloring etc. for better effect.

All things considered, in the present times, the appropriate application of yoga based techniques under the guidance of a qualified care provider can go a long way in helping children in the autism spectrum at multiple levels - physically, physiologically, cognitively and emotionally.